Headway SH/Switch Integrated Float

1 399 SEK

Headway Single Hand/ Switch is a truly unique shooting head/ integrated shooting head system developed for seatrout & salmon anglers. The tapers are designed to perform equally well for spey/ underhand casts as overhead casts with distance and powerful turnovers in mind.

Due to the adaptability of the bellies together with the Headway interchangeable tips we have created the most versatile belly/ tip system on the market. This system is fully customizable.

Based on skillset, fishing/ river conditions or rod type there is a belly/ tip combination available, whether you're into “Skagit style”, “Scandi Style” lines or a hybrid version of the two.

Interchangeable tips in 5 densities from float to sink 7 ensures versatility in fishing situations.

The 14g, 16g, 18g & 20g bellies can all be combined with the Headway tips in 9’, 12’, 15’ & 18’. This means there are belly/ tip combinations starting from 6wt single hand rods, through Switch rods and up to 7/8 wt and 8/9 wt double hand rods, making this system the first of its kind in the fly fishing industry.


- Rear weighted powerful shooting head developed for longer casts and line control
- Designed to be used with Headway tips (They do not work properly without)
- Paired with Headway interchangeable tips ensures turning over heavy flies and long leaders with ease
- Slim loop-to-loop connection between head and Headway interchangeable tips provides a smooth and seamless transition
to eliminate hinging, and provide a straight-line connection to the fly
- Vibrantly colored tracer aids in identifying the back of the head at distance or in low light
- Shooting Texture allows the line to easily be lifted before the next cast
- Designed in collaboration with Flyfish Europe specifically for the demands of European salmon anglers

![](https://dealer.flyfisheurope.com/800x/dealerweb-cms-efbff5f5-51c3-485c-af3c-b18ff44121e1.png "")


You think your floating line isn’t floating as well as it used to do, or isn’t as slick as it used to be? The reasons and the ways to fix this are probably pretty simple.

Lines float because they are lighter than water, and because they are hydrophobic; they repel water. For lines to float their best, both of these features need to be working. The density of your line won’t change, it won’t absorb water and become waterlogged and sink, but if it gets dirty it won’t repel the water well and it will float lower in the surface tension and may get pulled under now and then. The key to good flotation is keeping your lines clean so the hydrophobic surface works.

Cleaning with soap and water on a cloth removes most of the dirt, but cleaning pads work even better. Properly cleaned, your lines will float better, cast better and last longer, certainly a good trade-off for a couple of minutes of line maintenance.

To use the cleaning pad, pinch the pad over the line so that the abrasive, non-foam side touches the line. Pull the fly line through the pad under some tension. Repeat this process until some of the fly line color is visible on the pad.

Clean your lines every 2-3 outings, or anytime you think dirt is hindering their performance. The cleaning pads are easy to carry in your vest or tackle bag and can be used anytime, wet or dry.

Note that flyline dressing can be used to reduce friction during competition- or practice casting scenarios, but we don’t recommend it for fishing.

Headway SH/Switch Integrated Float
Scientific Anglers

Headway SH/Switch Integrated Float

1 399 SEK

Headway Single Hand/ Switch is a truly unique shooting head/ integrated shooting head system developed for seatrout & salmon anglers. The tapers are designed to perform equally well for spey/ underhand casts as overhead casts with distance and powerful turnovers in mind.

Due to the adaptability of the bellies together with the Headway interchangeable tips we have created the most versatile belly/ tip system on the market. This system is fully customizable.

Based on skillset, fishing/ river conditions or rod type there is a belly/ tip combination available, whether you're into “Skagit style”, “Scandi Style” lines or a hybrid version of the two.

Interchangeable tips in 5 densities from float to sink 7 ensures versatility in fishing situations.

The 14g, 16g, 18g & 20g bellies can all be combined with the Headway tips in 9’, 12’, 15’ & 18’. This means there are belly/ tip combinations starting from 6wt single hand rods, through Switch rods and up to 7/8 wt and 8/9 wt double hand rods, making this system the first of its kind in the fly fishing industry.


- Rear weighted powerful shooting head developed for longer casts and line control
- Designed to be used with Headway tips (They do not work properly without)
- Paired with Headway interchangeable tips ensures turning over heavy flies and long leaders with ease
- Slim loop-to-loop connection between head and Headway interchangeable tips provides a smooth and seamless transition
to eliminate hinging, and provide a straight-line connection to the fly
- Vibrantly colored tracer aids in identifying the back of the head at distance or in low light
- Shooting Texture allows the line to easily be lifted before the next cast
- Designed in collaboration with Flyfish Europe specifically for the demands of European salmon anglers

![](https://dealer.flyfisheurope.com/800x/dealerweb-cms-efbff5f5-51c3-485c-af3c-b18ff44121e1.png "")


You think your floating line isn’t floating as well as it used to do, or isn’t as slick as it used to be? The reasons and the ways to fix this are probably pretty simple.

Lines float because they are lighter than water, and because they are hydrophobic; they repel water. For lines to float their best, both of these features need to be working. The density of your line won’t change, it won’t absorb water and become waterlogged and sink, but if it gets dirty it won’t repel the water well and it will float lower in the surface tension and may get pulled under now and then. The key to good flotation is keeping your lines clean so the hydrophobic surface works.

Cleaning with soap and water on a cloth removes most of the dirt, but cleaning pads work even better. Properly cleaned, your lines will float better, cast better and last longer, certainly a good trade-off for a couple of minutes of line maintenance.

To use the cleaning pad, pinch the pad over the line so that the abrasive, non-foam side touches the line. Pull the fly line through the pad under some tension. Repeat this process until some of the fly line color is visible on the pad.

Clean your lines every 2-3 outings, or anytime you think dirt is hindering their performance. The cleaning pads are easy to carry in your vest or tackle bag and can be used anytime, wet or dry.

Note that flyline dressing can be used to reduce friction during competition- or practice casting scenarios, but we don’t recommend it for fishing.


  • Grass/Orange/Mustard


  • 14 gram
  • 16 gram
  • 18 gram
  • 20 gram
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